Sharryn Brownlee, Skaie Hull and Kalvin Smith
Q6/ Your Financial Experience
Sharryn Brownlee
Career in finance – large car franchise, private hospital & an Electrical Business
director. 12 years Pro Chancellor University of Newcastle – on Finance, Audit and
Risk Committees. 10 years as Chairperson and Finance & Risk Committee at both, a
Central Coast NFP Youth service then 11 years at a Childcare NFP. P&C Federation
state Treasurer when GST exemption for P&Cs state-wide negotiated, as President
substantially increased state government funding & grants. Ensuring audit and
acquittal compliance met, as well as ongoing viability and sustainability. On several
DoE school finance committees. A member of Australian Institute of Company
Skaie Hull
My finance and business skills have been developed as a freelance journalist and
small business operator.
As a former NBN News Reporter, I extensively covered Central Coast Council
financial matters from its initial amalgamation and through Council’s administration
period, and my investigative work has shed light on significant community concerns,
including uncovering the early access of restricted funds before public disclosure and
saving community assets from being sold off.
Q7/ Work Experience
Sharryn Brownlee
Finance roles across public and private sectors: banking, car dealership, private
hospital. Director of family electrical business.
Central Coast Council: Status of Women & Asset Review committees.
Elected as well as appointed community representative: Pro Chancellor University of
Newcastle Council, Nominations Committee, Grad School Entity where federal as
well as state legislative understanding are key.
8 years at NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority, including the grants
10 years Youth Connections building strong Aboriginal programs and youth initiatives
partnering with schools.
Broad experience of balancing community expectations, advocacy, and outcomes,
plus sound understanding of Strategic Planning.
Skaie Hull
I hold a degree in Journalism and Public Relations. I started her journalism career
with Seven News while studying at the University of the Sunshine Coast. My career
has included roles at 9 News, WIN News, Coast Community News, and Coast FM,
as well as PR/Media positions with YMCA NSW and TAFE NSW.
I am now a freelance journalist on the Central Coast.
Q8/ Community Activism or Involvement
Sharryn Brownlee
I’m a strong advocate prioritising children, youth, and families, focussing on strategic
partnerships with state and federal governments, businesses, and NFPs. Including
the Commission for Children and Young People high stakes work on Child Protection
and introducing WWCC.
25 years supporting P&Cs at all levels. I’m proud to be one of the original founders of
CCC P&C and continue to volunteer my time, working with DoE, Health, local
businesses, and schools, on financial and governance workshops and forums.
10 years volunteer Board Chair at Youth Connections working with the
Commonwealth to redirect funds locally for Aboriginal and at-risk youth.
Skaie Hull
I am an active supporter of local charities and community events in our region.
I proudly serve as a Community Ambassador for Central Coast Kids In Need, a local
volunteer organization that supports the well-being of seriously ill children and their
families by alleviating the financial burden of medications, equipment, travel, and
Q9/ What current public causes/issues do you agree with?
Although we appreciate CCCW providing an overview of a number of issues and
causes that people have put forward, we believe that it is essential to gain a deep
understanding of any issue that comes before Council, before taking a premature
position on that particular matter.
Team Central Coast has already commenced discussion with a number of advocates
for these issues and causes.
Evidence based decision making will be critical for our newly elected Council to
make fully informed decisions on behalf of our residents and local businesses.
Q10/ Why should I vote for you?
Sharryn Brownlee
I have broad experience across a wide range of areas, and as a local resident I’ve
witnessed our regions strengths and challenges firsthand.
This is an opportunity to use my skills to continue to support my local community and
address the legitimate community concerns and support the people and be their
voice in our Council.
I am committed to ensuring that our newly elected Council focuses its collective
effort to listen to the true needs of our region and ensure the provision of affordable
and equitable Council infrastructure and services, that our local communities
desperately need and deserve.
Skaie Hull
I’m the youngest candidate on Team Central Coast at 32, but my passion,
knowledge, and drive for the region and local community run deep.
As a mother, local journalist, and proud Coastie, I’ve been a strong advocate for the
Central Coast for nearly a decade. I’m committed to giving back to the community
and driving growth in the region.
Former NBN News Reporter, I covered Central Coast Council from when it
amalgamated and throughout administration. I spent many years investigating
Council issues and brought light to many major community concerns.
I have a degree in Journalism and Public Relations and started my journalism career
with Seven News whilst studying at the University of the Sunshine Coast.
I am an advocate for many local charities and community events and a proud
Community Ambassador for Central Coast Kids In Need.
If elected as a Councillor I am committed to listening to my local communities and
ensuring that they have a passionate advocacy in Council.
Q1/ What’s important to you from the Operational plan’s vision and framework?
1/ A1 – (Endorse) “Work within our communities to connect people, build capacity
and create local solutions and initiatives.”
The newly elected Council should place a strong emphasis on involving residents in
its decision-making processes. After an extended period in administration, it is
crucial that the Council genuinely engages with all community members to ensure
that the Community Strategic Plan accurately reflects the true needs of our
2/ C3 – (Endorse) “Facilitate economic development to increase local employment
opportunities and provide a range of jobs for all residents.”
As the third most populous council in New South Wales, the newly elected Council
must embody the aspirations of its residents while harnessing the significant
economic and social potential of the region to drive its long-term growth and
3/ L4 – (Endorse) “Provide equitable, affordable, flexible and co-located community
facilities based on community needs.”
A lack of social and community infrastructure development in existing areas, poor
maintenance of existing assets and ineffective placemaking has inhibited the
creation of accessible, safe, and attractive local areas and stopped the Central Coast
from adopting a strong sense of community and belonging.
Q2/ Which upcoming plans already in the pipeline do you support?
1/ Community Strategic Plan (Q4)
2/ Delivery Program 2025-2029 (including Operational Plan 2025-26) (Q4)
3/ Resourcing Strategy (Long Term Financial Plan | Workforce Strategy | Asset
Management Strategy | Digital Strategy) (Q4)
As the Q2, Q3 & Q4 periods of the 2024 – 2025 Operational Plan represent the end
of the broader 4-year delivery program and is intended to deliver the priorities
outlined in Council’s existing Community Strategic Plan, our group will refrain from
presuming the discontinuation of any existing initiatives, policies, plans, and
strategies that are presently scheduled for public exhibition or delivery.
Q3/ Do you support keeping the 2021 ten year special rate variation (rate increase) beyond 2031?
(Yes or no?)
A fundamental reassessment of priorities is vital for our Council to achieve financial
sustainability and effectively address the genuine needs of our community.
To alleviate ongoing rate increases and the associated financial strain on residents
and businesses in our region, the Council must pursue operational efficiencies and
productivity improvements while actively exploring alternative revenue sources.
It is imperative for the new Council to conduct a thorough evaluation of the current
Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program, Operational Plan, Resourcing
Strategy, Workforce Management Plan, and Asset Management Plan.
This review should ensure that the Council’s commitments and implementation
strategies are truly in line with community expectations and aligned with the Long-
Term Financial Plan.
Once this process is completed, our group believes that our newly elected Council
will be in a fully informed position to determine whether income generated through
the temporary rating increase is appropriate to be retained in the rating base, post
Although our group is concerned about ongoing rate increases and the associated
financial strain on residents and businesses in our region, it is essential that the
elected Council maintains a strategic focus on financial sustainability over the long
term and to be in the position to deliver community expectations and growth in our
Q4/ How would you increase revenue
(Use the operational plan to give three examples)
To be honest, as a group we struggled to find actions, projects and KPIs in the
Operational Plan that had relevance to true revenue generation and assisting
Council to be financially sustainable in the long term.
However, in an effort to address the question posed we provide the follow response:
1/ DP_185 Undertake a review of the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and develop
the next Delivery Program and Resourcing Strategy.
The existing Community Strategic Plan requires extensive review to clearly identify
increased revenue streams relating to economic development and property
opportunities, planning and development assessment services and fees, and to
proactively identify opportunities to develop commercial opportunities and
businesses to create new income streams to offset its cost of operations.
2/ DP_037 Implementation of the Airport Masterplan
The endorsement of the Airport Masterplan Key will allow Council to increase
Council’s revenue by seeking commercial expressions of interest from aeronautical
and light aviation, emergency services, educational institutions related entities, to
better utilise Council owned lands.
3/ DP_280 Implementation of high priority actions in the Central Coast Local Housing
Implementation of high priority actions in the Central Coast Local Housing Strategy
will provide additional sources of revenue because of increased development
application fees and associated development contributions (local infrastructure
contributions) to fund local infrastructure needed to support the increasing number of
residents living in and visiting our region.
We also note the following suggestions for revenue generation that a new Council
may want to consider moving forward:
A review of Council’s investments would ensure that Council’s current
investment portfolio not only maintains a low risk profile it also attracts the
most appropriate returns for our region.
Council also needs to proactively seek opportunities to develop commercial
opportunities and businesses to create new income streams to offset its cost
of operations.
Given the challenge of council relying on their own-source revenues, it will
also be essential to seek additional financial assistance from the Australian
and NSW governments (through intergovernmental grants) over the coming
years especially in relation to planned asset renewals.
In addition to the above, Council needs to continue its advocacy efforts to the
Federal Government to increase the financial assistance grant allocation
provided to Council and local government more broadly.
Q5/ How would you reduce expenditure
(Using the same operational plan for examples)
Again, as a group we struggled to find actions, projects and KPIs in the Operational
Plan that had direct relevance to reducing expenditure and assisting Council to be
financially sustainable in the long term.
However, to address the question posed we provide the follow response:
1/ DP_185: Undertake a review of the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and develop
the next Delivery Program and Resourcing Strategy
The existing Community Strategic Plan requires extensive review to ensure that the
Council’s commitments and implementation strategies are truly in line with
community expectations and aligned with the Long-Term Financial Plan.
2/ DP_188: Implement the Service Optimisation Framework through the conduct of
Service Optimisation Initiatives
The intent of the Service Optimisation Framework needs to be focused on providing
the right balance between affordable and acceptable levels of service to our
community and identifying opportunities to resign inefficient processes, streamline
existing workflows and reducing wasted effort and expenditure including the use of
consultants and non-critical activities.
3/ DP_257: Percentage of residential development applications (housing dual
occupancy and secondary dwellings) determined within 40 days (gross calendar
It is critical that Council deploys innovative and best practice processes and systems
to ensure that development applications progress efficiently through the planning,
assessment, construction and completions process to reduce the cost of
assessments by Council staff and the substantial and often unnecessary financial
legal burden of planning matters being referred to the Land and Environment Court.
We also note the following suggestions to further reduce expenditure, that a new
Council may want to consider moving forward:
Council refocuses it resources and effort on core functions, and to seek
substantial productivity and efficiency gains that will reduce costs, improve
services and increase resident satisfaction.
Council also needs to proactively seek opportunities develop commercial
opportunities, partnerships and new businesses to offset its cost of
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