Amended plans were submitted to Council-under-administration for the redevelopment of the Elanora Hotel in East Gosford after feedback from the Regional Planning Panel.
“The plans have been amended to improve the external appearance of the lower terrace area, and to provide a more active frontage to Adelaide Street, as requested,” an update on behalf of the applicant, Bonython Elanora Pty Ltd, states.
“The updated plans provide a more open presentation for the lower terrace area to Adelaide Street and internally within the site, including glazed folding doors and vertical sliding windows.
“A small balcony area facing Adelaide Street is also proposed, with 2.2m glass screening.”
Updated social impact assessments and plans of management are in the pipeline.
The proposal involves demolition of the existing motel behind the pub and replacing it with a new three storey 60-room motel facing Brougham St.
The pub would be extended and refurbished, the bottle shop renewed and a new two-level parking area.
Public feedback to the proposed redevelopment at 41 Victoria St, East Gosford, has ranged from excited approval to criticism that it would be like an RSL club.
“This developer seems to prefer large, blokey venues where almost every room has multiple TV screens,” one submission states.
“Pubs do not need play areas and the proposed combination of a 60-room motel, large pub, multiple drinking areas, a bottle shop and family areas sounds more like an RSL-type of development, which is not really in keeping with the village atmosphere of East Gosford.”