Rescission motions 2019 and meeting highlights – scroll to bottom for latest meeting.
Winney Bay rescission motion failed to get the votes at the first meeting of 2019. Meeting finished about 11.35pm.
The second meeting of 2019, on Feb 11, finished before 9.30pm. No rescission motions and no confidential items.
Third meeting of 2019, Feb 25 finished before 8pm. Rescission motion on Warnervale Airport failed.
Fourth meeting of 2019, March 11 finished about 10.45pm. Cr Matthews left about 9.30pm and Cr Best about 10.30pm.
No rescission motions.
Fifth meeting of 2019, March 25 finished about 10.20pm. Cr Gale Collins left at 7.36pm (she was sick).
Six meeting of 2019, April 8, finished about 9pm.
Seventh meeting of 2019, April 29 finished about 10pm. No rescission motions. Lots of deferrals but not, finally, the affordable housing strategy. CEO now has permission to work on the details.
Eighth meeting of 2019, May 13, finished early, about 9pm. Rescission motion failed on Terrigal Boardwalk decision of the previous meeting to have a site inspection. Crown Land negotiations was a confidential item as was Dunleagh St Toukley housing legal advice against JRRP decision.
Ninth meeting of 2019, May 27, rates and water rates were set as was council pay rise.
Tenth meeting of 2019, June 11, operational plan for next financial year adopted.
Warnervale Rescission motion fails for fifth or sixth time.
Another Cr Best motion, this time for a desal plant also failed to get the numbers.
Meeting ends at 11.03pm after two confidential items: eight parcels of land at Davistown wetlands and Donnison St Gosford for the cultural precinct: both possible land acquisitions.
Eleventh meeting of 2019, June 24, meeting started with new 5pm start to public forum but was adjourned to 6pm as none of the speakers had turned up for the new time. Terrigal Boardwalk gets up, with Mayor attempting to address concerns with her two page motion. Cr Best and Cr Marquart call for public update on the RPAC/Library plans which they fear faces a cost blowout – already. Meeting finished in record time 8.03pm.
Twelfth meeting of 2019, July 8, meeting did actually start with public forum at 5pm and then the meeting itself at 6.30pm. Also, new way of dealing with questions on notice. The answers are delivered verbally at the meeting rather than written into the business papers. This meeting had lots of reports adopted or drafts adopted to put on public exhibition. Then landcare strategy, the Greener Places Draft, Councillors Professional Development, Climate Change, Domestic Violence, and outcomes of the Public Exhibition of Miscellaneous Amendment to GLEP2014 and WLEP2013.
The Mayoral Minute on Con or Com LEP was deferred until the next meeting.
Council vote to get a report on remediating land cleared near the Warnervale airport.
Four councillors away. Holstein, Pilon, Gale Collins and Vincent.
Thirteenth meeting of 2019: July 22. Public forum about the MM on sidelining the consolidated LEP and concentrating on comprehensive LEP and also speakers about a proposed boarding house at Wyong and a house at Pretty Beach.
The meeting itself passed the Flying Fox strategy, the Integrity Standards, the MM for the LEP plan to concentrate on the Comprehensive LEP and the Sculpture by the Sea push. Early night. I think we finished about 8.20pm.
Fourteenth meeting of 2019: August 12. Mayor adjourned meeting when airport supporters stood in silent protest after council failed to support a rescission motion bought forward by Cr Best to reverse a decision made at the July 8 meeting. It was one of three motions centred on the airport. Huge attendance in the gallery, with Mayor directing the spill over into another room. Council passed the other two airport motions: fast-track negotiations on the next licence agreement with the aero club and an external specialist to survey and analyse the obstacle limitation surface at the southern and northern end of the airport and to start the process to limit tree heights in the area.
The tree policy ( a completely separate issue) was passed.
More decisions on sporting facilities and lighting charges.
MM on motions to take to the Local Government conference in October.
Cr Hogan’s Raise the Rate advocacy agreed to.
Confidential item on crown land negotiations. No details.
15th meeting of 2019: August 26. Climate emergency declared; two airport decisions including independent financial audit and performance review into all matters relating to Central Coast Airport. Single use plastic policy. Mangrove Mountain logging business approved for 12 months.
16th meeting of 2019: September 9. Confidential performance review of CEO. Winney Bay decision upheld. Big Pelican supported.
17th meeting of 2019: September 23. New Mayor and new deputy.
18th meeting of 2019: September 25. Confidential session to make decision on Gosford regional library and Regional performing arts centre.
Second silent protest, this time on Stratford Ave, Charmhaven decision to inspect site. New mayor handles it by adjourning meeting. Raise the Rate debate and decision. Debate on local planning panel.
19th meeting of 2019: October 8. Tourism opportunity plan adopted. Cities Power Partnership Progress Report. ING building gets green light.
20th meeting of 2019: October 28. Pilot program for water tanks to be investigated. Town hall meetings approved. Youth strategy adopted. Terrigal development of carpark site approved in backflip from previous decision.
Lake Munmorah rezoning for 300 homes deferred. Ourimbah masterplan deferred. Draft Wyong to Tuggerah Economic Corridor Strategy deferred.
Pecuniary interest decision passed, no debate.
21st meeting of 2019: November 11. Cat curfew; mayor cautions councillors on their behaviour; Cr Best’s first attempt with the water security motion; annual report adopted but financial report deferred; Council refuses planning role for DLALC.
22nd meeting of 2019: November 25. First quarter results; call centre first discussion; community participation plan; Cr Marquart’s coal soliloquy; air bnb; suicide speech not livestreamed.
23rd meeting of 2019: December 9. Call centre again, Air bnb again, The Entrance Boatshed; the end of the RPAC in the near term; the regional library plans continue; the LEP deferred; the water motion didn’t get dealt with.
Extraordinary meeting: December 16. Water restrictions rescission motion.
Central Coast Council Watch was started by me, retired journalist Merilyn Vale, when the councillors were elected in 2017.
I upload Facebook accounts of each decision made at the meetings in the hope that those posts will form a database for voters to assess the councillors’ contributions.
Updated on December 13, 2019.
Copyright: Merilyn Vale