Tuesday, 19 September 2023
The first Minns Labor budget 2023-24 is delivering more than $160 million for the Central Coast across health, education, transport, roads and local communities.
Funding for election commitments and major projects is confirmed in the Budget handed down by Treasurer Daniel Mookhey today, September 19, setting out a long-term plan, he said, to repair the budget, rebuild essential services and take pressure off NSW families and businesses.
Central Coast specific commitments across major areas includes:
- $9.275 million as part of the $200 million Wyong Hospital Redevelopment
- $3.338 million as part of the $6.4 million Wyong Hospital Cancer Day Unit expansion
- $4.9 million to provide new and upgraded facilities to deliver Animal Studies courses at Wyong TAFE
- $50,000 for Porters Creek Public School upgrade
Transport and Roads
- $430 million new state of the art train fleet to improve intercity passenger services, including the Central Coast line
- $23 million to continue the upgrade and expansion of Tuggerah Station, including two new lifts and a footbridge
- $12 million to start planning and design for Stage 4 of the Pacific Highway Gosford Bypass from Manns Road and Narara Creek Road to Parson Road Lisarow under Regional Roads Fund ($40m in total)
- $9.377 million to deliver the Woy Woy commuter car park (NSW and Australian Government funded)
- $7.9 million to finalise planning and start of pre-construction activities to improve traffic flow and safety on the Tumbi Road intersection of the Central Coast Highway ($29.5m in total, NSW and Australian Government funded)
- $7.057 million for planning and $16 million for the Wyong Town Centre as part of the $420 million upgrade of the Pacific Highway through Wyong (NSW and Australian Government funded)
- $5.72 million grant to Central Coast Council as part of the Regional Emergency Road Repair Fund
- $5.7 million through the Regional Emergency Road Repair Fund to the Central Coast Local Government Area (including pothole repair).
- $5 million to start construction on improvement works at Blackwall Road and McMasters Road
- $4.8 million for the $58.8 million Mandalong Road Upgrade (NSW and Australian Government funded)
- Funding for active transport projects on the Central Coast, including:
- $8m over 4 years to Central Coast Council to assist in its footpath improvement projects
- $2m for funding for planning of a shared coastal pathway connecting Lake Macquarie LGA to Central Coast LGA
- $2m in funding towards the Avoca Drive upgrade between Algona Avenue and Joalah Road (NSW and Australian Government funded)
- $1 million in grants to Central Coast Council to undertake a Carters Rd Lake Munmorah Traffic Study
- $500,000 for active and public transport infrastructure, safety and urban design at Budgewoi
Housing, Environment and Planning
- $11.107 million to upgrade social housing in The Entrance ($3.093m), Gosford ($2.946m), Wyong ($1.841m), Terrigal ($1.826m), Swansea ($1.401m)
- $8.5 million for the Gosford Waterfront Revitalisation Plan
- $838,000 for new and upgraded homes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through the Aboriginal Housing Office, including $250,000 in Killarney Vale and $250,000 in Swansea

- $3.8 million over 2 years for improved access to soccer facilities and programs on the Central Coast, including a synthetic playing field in Tuggerah at the Mariners Centre of Excellence, new training facilities for the new Central Coast Mariners (CCM) women’s A League team, and $1m for CCM community programs for at-risk youth and disadvantaged adults. Funding will be matched by the CCM.
- $1.3 million for Halekulani Oval amenities renewal
Regions and local commitments
- $11 million for the Centre for Australian Horticultural Market Access as part of the Regional Growth: Economic Activation Fund
- $7.3 million for the Warnervale Town Centre Water and Sewer
- $6.854 million for the Mardi Water Treatment Plant Upgrade
- $5 million for Peat Island Cultural Tourism Precinct Activation
- $2 million in total funding for local area commitments of $400,000 for each Central Coast seat including:
- $100,000 to Empire Bay Tennis Club for court resurfacing
- $50,000 to Walkabout Wildlife Sanctuary for a Koala Habitat Recovery project
- $40,000 to the Wyong Netball Association
- $60,000 to Wamberal Memorial Hall playspace renewal
- $24,00 to Caves Beach Surf Life Saving Club and
- $100,00 to Pelican Park at Woy Woy.
- $650,000 for Darkinjung Mangrove Mountain Cultural Tourism Park
- $306,177 for Saratoga Sailing Club Security, Equity, Accessibility and Safety Project
Minister for the Central Coast and Member for Wyong David Harris said:
“The Minns Labor Government will deliver its commitments to the Central Coast community.”
“By managing our finances responsibly and by redirecting wasteful spending, we can rebuild our essential services and reinvest in our frontline workers and ensure we are providing support when people on the Central Coast need it the most.
“Health and education are huge employers on the Coast and they will get the pay rises they need and deserve to care for and educate our growing community.
‘The big-ticket items we promised – the Gosford bypass and Pacific Highway upgrades will be delivered as well as the Gosford waterfront and more social housing. Smaller grants will be delivered to community organisations right across the Coast Community, providing a major boost to essential services in our community.”
Minister for the Hunter and Member for Swansea, Yasmin Catley said:
“Funding these projects show the Minns Labor Government is committed to providing for local communities in this great region of ours.
“These projects will have a major impact on local families, business and infrastructure, the benefits are huge.”
“I can’t understate the importance of investing in our Surf Life Saving Clubs, they are vital to creating a strong sense of community and ensuring our kids can stay safe in the water.”
Member for The Entrance David Mehan said:
“The former Liberal National Government left the NSW finances in a very poor state and we are working hard to repair the budget to meet our promises including the important commitment to rebuild our public service.
“Central Coast Labor MPs are committed to working together to deliver for the Central Coast.”
Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch said:
“Despite inheriting the largest debt in our state’s history, the NSW Government will keep our election commitments and I look forward to seeing the benefits of these commitments roll out to our local community in the coming months.
“I am proud to be part of a Minns Government that will deliver true reform through investments in our future across vital areas such as education, health, transport and essential services.”