More dogs on beaches v more rangers to get rid of dogs on beaches.
More shade trees.
Rubbish bins.
These comments appear to be the common ones on Council-under-administration’s interactive map seeking feedback on its proposed Coastal Management Program (CMP).
Wamberal Beach has attracted the most comments so far with the proposed Wamberal seawall a hot topic.
Erosion issues also pop up at Ettalong, North Entrance but Birdie Beach and further north have not elicited a single comment about anything.
In fact, some areas have received scant attention on the interactive map.
Council has invited residents to share their ideas, concerns, wants and needs related to the Coast’s beaches.
“This is your chance to have your say so jump into our interactive map and drop a pin or leave a comment,” Council says.
You can also give a thumbs up or down to comments already there:
Here’s the link to the map:
If that doesn’t work: go here and find the link:
Also, a pop up session at Killcare SLSC this Saturday, February 10 between 9am-12pm is your last chance to talk to council about the proposed CMP.
“Coastal Management Programs set the long-term strategy for the management of our coastal environments including our lakes, lagoons, estuaries, beaches and their associated catchments,” Council states on its website.
“CMP’s are prepared by local councils in accordance with the NSW Government Coastal Management Framework.
“CMP’s will replace existing Estuary & Coastal Zone Management Plans which were prepared under previous legislation.”
See more information here:
Below are a selection of comments on the map to whet your appetite.
– Merilyn
This page is run by journalist Merilyn Vale and is not associated with Council. The comments below are not mine: they are on the interactive map.
Budgewoi Beach:
# Ocean St Beach accessway is the southern most point of a dog exercise area. Dogs being walked north of this area are creating issues for shore birds. This is not being policed and no new signage promised has occurred. Google also has the whole area designed as a dog exercise area.
# Repair and maintain the walkway linking Ocean and Weemala streets
# Better bikeways, link the coast, greater walks.
# Allow dog access at swimmable beaches. A no closer to 100 metres from the flag rule would be consistent with other local councils across the state. Trust the community in doing the right thing with keeping our beaches clean or bring in harsher penalties for those that don’t.
Jenny DIxon Beach:
# Please get on with fixing the stairs to this beach. It’s not that hard and it will be two years in March.
Norah Head:
# Smoking. It is not clear if this is allowed on beaches, and which beaches. It reduces enjoyment of the beach. Council should educate the public. Perhaps signs or policing by Council Rangers?
# Consider the need for coastal protection works in front of Mazlin Reserve.
# Consider removing some sand from the rockpool.
Soldiers Point:
# The bitou bush is in aggressive, invasive weed. It is outcompeting our native plants and grown so high along here in the last two years. I have disabled clients who absolutely love to whale watch from the car, they can no longer see the beautiful whales passing in close due to the height of the bitou bush. Soldiers top carpark is the best option for whale watching from the car, please do something about these bushes before this years season begins in May.
# More policing of dogs and better signage
# Closing the stair access has generated informal paths being created down the cliff face, people are being injured trying to climb the new access ways. It’s not safe to access the beach.
North Entrance:
# Establish strategy for Coastal Erosion Management at Curtis Parade, and if terminal protection, Engineering Design Requirements similar to those that have been developed for Wamberal. Cost Benefit Analysis may be required to determine whether Terminal Protection is the most appropriate solution here.
# Scrape berm back to 1.2m to be more flood ready
# It is now nearly 12mths since the Community Focus Group workshoped the Options for the new Entrance Management Plan. What has happened to the consultants report that was assessing the preferred options?
# The Entrance Groyne is negatively impacting the function of the estuary mouth forcing the throat of the channel further south between the rock shelf and the groyne. Remove the groyne!
The Entrance Baths:
# I just wanted to thank the lifeguards and the council for their ongoing support with the pool. There has been some broken pipe issues, however Robbo and the lifeguards have done their most best to keep the pools clean under the circumstances. I am a regular daily swimmer at The Grant MCBride Baths , and I thank them for all their efforts to keep the pool clean and full.
Toowoon Bay:
# Review of DCP to control type of development along the foreshore. Need for houses to be set back, tighter height restrictions, big concrete mansions should not allowed rather smaller weather board homes) and introduce time limited consent.
# Pay the lifeguards more, generate revenue from selling ice cream.
Terrigal Haven:
# I would like to see the whole carparking area at The Haven tidied up, the line marking is not clear & could if done more efficiently increase the available spaces. Take out the grass centre section and add more car parking spaces. The signage is woeful and not clear for trailer versus car parking.
Avoca: see screenshot
Winney Bay:
# Sewage and storm water outflows should be moved well offshore. They contribute to contamination of nearby beaches and are no longer tolerated
Captain Cook’s Lookout, Copacabana:
# Acknowledgement of indigenous significance and history of this area should accompany Captain Cook (lookout) eg: he may have sighted headland but aboriginal Australians were watching him. Who were they and what was their history in this place.
Cochrane Lagoon:
# My concern is the policy about opening Cochrane Lagoon at night & the impact it has on the fauna in the area . It’s noted that several years ago when the lagoon was opened there was carnage to the Water Hen population which has still not recovered. There were hundreds of water hens dead on the foreshore that Council had to clean up . The impact on the swans & their offsprings is also noted as after the lagoon is opened there are few around.
Ettalong Beach:
# Many residents would like jet skiers to be banned. Noise, smell, rubbish. As a rate paying resident I cannot enjoy my own beach in peace on the weekend after a week of work. If they cannot be 100% banned suggest specific days and times eg Saturday 9am till 2pm so the rest of us can also enjoy the beach.