The population of Warnervale and surrounding suburbs is expected to almost treble from the numbers of 2021, with nearly 57,000 people to call Warnervale home by 2041.
A total of 20,162 were living within the Greater Warnervale area in 2021 according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Estimated Resident Population (ABS ERP 2021), and quoted by Council.*
So Council is drafting a Greater Warnervale Structure Plan to identify a long-term vision and principles that will guide land use planning in the area.
It is intended to enable Greater Warnervale to grow in a sustainable way.
It will do this by allowing for future growth to occur in a manner that does not compromise the attributes that make the area a desirable place to live, according to Council.
The plan will:
# Review economic trends and demand for employment land
# Review housing trends and supply and demand for residential land
# Review existing and future infrastructure needs
# Establish an appropriate environmental and open space network
# Revise land use recommendations and associated timing
# Provide a platform for detailed planning instruments, including LEPs, DCPs and Masterplans.
Administrator Rik Hart said Council is seeking feedback on community, education, and recreation facilities as well as environmental open space and connecting pathways that people would like to see in their area.
Public Information Sessions are being held at Lake Haven Library (Lake Haven Shopping Centre, Goobarabah Avenue) on Thursday, February 23 from 10am-12pm and on Wednesday March 1 from 1pm-3pm.
Read more here about submitting your thoughts and to click through to an interactive map where you can also share your ideas.
* Council’s press release on this topic says it expects the population “to almost double in two decades” but still quotes 57,000 people by 2041.
And the plan itself quotes the population as 20,162 as of 2021.
So, to get to 57,000 by 2041, would be an almost trebling of the population in the two decades.