1/ financial experience
I have a reasonable degree of financial literacy, I can read profit loss statements,
balance sheets and cash flow statements. I have received training in interpreting
financial statements and other business matters.
2/ work experience
I retired from full time work in 2019, and chose to pursue full time parenting. My
children are now in school.
I am a qualified risk management professional with 22 years-experience working for
national and medium sized employers in diverse employment sectors, such as heavy
and light manufacturing, child protection, health, justice, education, infrastructure. I
have held managerial, consultant and support roles.
I have skills in the following:
Developing advice and reports for a commercial board (Government Business
Analytical Skills
Environmental compliance
Financial literacy
Policy development
Problem solving
Procedure development
Project Management
Quality Assurance
Risk Management
Team Leadership – Statutory Emergency Service
3/ community activism or involvement
NSW State Emergency Service, I held the following positions, Team Leader – Rescue,
After Hours Duty Officer and Rescue Operator. I no longer volunteer with this
organisation (I got married and later had kids!).
4/ What current public causes/issues do you agree with?
I will NOT support ‘pro development’ causes (I am NOT anti-development,
though!), nor any other causes that are radical, contentious, questionable, expensive,
or politically correct.
My focus will be on ‘bread and butter’ issues – improving roads, foot paths, water and
sewer services, local law enforcement, environmental protection, etc.
I am a strong supporter of Council’s CCOSS conservation reserve network and hope
to progressively expand it (with a funded plan).
5/ Why should I vote for you?
I have your interests at heart; I live in the ward that I am seeking to represent,
and care about my ward! I am an independent candidate and beholden to no
group or political party.
I have received training in interpreting financial statements and other business matters.
I have expertise and training in managing various kinds of business risks.
I will focus on ensuring Council’s finances remain under control, by ensuring
rates are not reduced, but rather maintained in line with inflation (where
I will be focused on service delivery, such as improving roads, footpaths,
parks, sport facilities – I DO NOT have grand plans to turn the Central Coast
into another over populated suburb of Sydney.
I am prepared to listen to your needs and aspirations on an on-going basis,
and not ignore you, once elected.
I believe government is NOT your master, but your SERVANT.
Q1/ What’s important to you from the Operational plan’s vision and framework?
Choose three
The plan has been the subject of extensive consultation, has been approved and
funded; I do not intend to change the plan’s governing principles, unless the
community expresses significant concern about a particular principle!
Q2/ Which upcoming plans already in the pipeline do you support?
The plan has been approved and funded; at this stage, I do not intend to change the
plan, unless the community expresses significant concern about a particular aspect
of the plan, or Council’s financial position becomes a problem. It is important that
Council’s CEO has a stable platform from which to operate.
Q3/ Do you support keeping the 2021 ten year special rate variation (rate increase) beyond 2031?
Do you support keeping the 2021 ten year special rate variation (rate increase) beyond 2031?
Q4/ How would you increase revenue
Implementation of the current plan is the responsibility of Council (administration), it
is an operational matter.
The plan is already funded!
I would, however, be keen to explore, at some point, with support of the community
and other Councillors, to place the following Council functions on a commercial
footing, with commercial profitability and efficiency expectations, including having
their own management plans and set-up as stand-alone corporations, reporting
directly to Council’s CEO.
- Council’s water and sewer business
- Council businesses that provide services on the ‘open market’ For example,
Building certification
I genuinely DO NOT support privatisation of these businesses, the intention is for
these functions to operate in a commercial manner, generating commercial rates of
return i.e. healthy revenue for Council.
Q5/ How would you reduce expenditure
See previous answer – Q4.
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