Lisa Bellamy, lead candidate
1/ financial experience
I am an accountant. My previous position was as Manager of Revenue Accounting for the University of Newcastle where I helped manage $800m in revenue p/a. I am a householder who knows how to budget and balance the books.
2/ work experience
2012 to 2021 Finance at University of Newcastle – won awards for creating efficiencies and saving the University money. Led a fantastic team.
Prior to 2012 – Various accounting firms and tax agents.
3/ community activism or involvement
President of Kariong Progress Association.
WIRES Wildlife rescuer and carer.
Save Kariong Sacred Lands founder.
Environmental activist working tirelessly to protect bushland on the Central Coast.
4/ What current public causes/issues do you agree with?
Once on Council I would be representing the entire Central Coast community and as such, even
though I have personal opinions on the below issues, I am also cognisant they may not be
representative of the wider community.
Rescind the Deferred Matters Land – rezoning of Conservation land currently with State
NO Sea Wall at Wamberal
No demolition of Gosford Library building
Keep Gosford Bowling Club in community hands.
Protect the Porters Creek wetlands from Warnervale airport upgrade.
No more sell off of community land
Expand Coastal Open Spaces System (COSS)
5/ Why should I vote for you?
I am an everyday Coastie who wants to be a representative of the community not a politician.
I am an Independent so will not engage in ‘party politics’ or be bound by a party line.
I have grown up on the Coast, I love the Coast, and want to make sure it doesn’t turn into the worst parts of Western Sydney – miles of black roofs as far as the eye can see, heating up due to lack of tree cover, traffic jams to get to the shops, and mental health on the decline.
I can’t stand empty promises and BS.
Questions from the operational plan
Q1/ What’s important to you from the Operational plan’s vision and framework?
Choose three
A1 – “Work within our communities to connect people, build capacity and create local solutions and initiatives.”
‘Local Solutions for Local issues’ is our core value. We believe the community knows what it needs and should not be dictated to by ‘above’, we advocate for a ‘bottom up’ rather than a ‘top-down’ approach.
C4 – “Promote and grow tourism that celebrates the natural and cultural assets of the Central Coast in a way that is accessible, sustainable and eco-friendly.”
The CC holds significant untapped potential to boost revenue, mentor and train young eco-tourism and cultural advocates, and foster a sense of local pride.
F2 – “Promote greening and ensure the wellbeing of communities through the protection of local bushland, urban trees, tree canopies and expansion of the Coastal Open Space System (COSS).”
The CC has an excellent Greener Places Strategy that, if properly followed and funded, would both preserve and expand our green spaces, promoting overall wellness. Our top priority is safeguarding our life-giving Mother Earth.
Q2/ Which upcoming plans already in the pipeline do you support or delete?
Choose three
1/ Conservation management plans
2/ Community Strategic Plan
3/ Delivery Program 2025-2029 (including Operational Plan 2025-26)
I believe if we get our priorities right, and listen to the community with meaningful consultation we can put together a CSP that will ensure the Council is truly representing the residents. We may have some pet projects, like protecting and increasing conservation land, tree cover and community land but true representation is what we stand for.
1/ Gosford Town Centre – Kibble Park Upgrade Stage 1 – keep the community’s library building for repurpose. Kibble Park is fine. Just need to attract event organisers who will make the most of this space.
2/ Leagues Club Park Tidal terrace renewal – throwing more money after bad.
3/ Public Toilet Strategy – seems a waste of resources to do a strategy for public toilets.
Q3/ Do you support keeping the 2021 ten year special rate variation (rate increase) beyond 2031?
Yes or no? NO
Q4/ How would you increase revenue
(Use the operational plan to give three examples)
1/ DP_32 – Develop and execute an annual Major Events Program
Execution is key. No more time and $ wasted on costly consultations and planning. We need to
attract experienced event organizers who can successfully put on and promote events, making the Central Coast the premier event destination in the state. With our close proximity to Sydney, we have access to an untapped market. Plus, focusing on this outcome covers just about half of the other plans to activate city centres etc.
2/DP_274 – AAHS – Implement relevant actions from the Alternate and Affordable Housing Strategy.
We shouldn’t have homelessness in Australia! While a complex issue, we can do more.
3/ DP_228 – Develop an Integrated Transport Strategy for the Central Coast – I know of a CC resident group who has put together an excellent idea for transport on the CC. CCC could support locals with their local knowledge and expertise and passion for sustainability and liveability who have already done the work for us.
Q5/ How would you reduce expenditure
(Using the same operational plan for examples)
1/100072 and 100074 – library resources. In any household budget, we cut expenses where we can.
While new equipment would be nice, repurposing second-hand furniture and seeking community donations can make the community feel involved and invested in the project.
2/ 100527 – Council Chamber, Internal Workspace and Public Spaces Renewal – Wyong Civil Centre – $3.7m in savings right there.
3/ 100682 – Signature Project – Magenta Shared Pathway – $5m of developer contributions which will benefit a very small % of CC population.
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