Sarah Burns, third on the Labor ticket
1/ financial experience
As part of my roles with NFP organisations I have experience in working to budgets, Applying for grants and Fundraising.
2/ work experience
I work in the community services sector as a Volunteer Coordinator, Looking after the needs of nearly 200 Volunteers servicing the aged care sector. I’m about service to Community.
3/ community activism or involvement
I have been a member of a local Emergency Service Brigade since 2019 and have been an active member in local events. I am on the Committee of an Equestrian program which supports Children and Adults with intellectual disabilities.
4/ What current public causes/issues do you agree with?
I agree with Wamberal SOS, As well as Vision Australia on behalf of Gosford Bowling club. I also support my fellow Labor Candidates’ strong positions on the environment.
5/ Why should I vote for you?
I am Third on the Budgewoi Labor Ticket and so am in a fairly unwinnable position.
I’m a strong advocate of maintaining and improving our community services in the region. Due to our history the incoming council will have a strong focus on the budget and my position has been to ensure that there are councillors who are equally focused on improving our community through improving our services.
Questions on the Operational Plan
Q1/ What’s important to you from the Operational plan’s vision and framework?
Choose three
A3 “Work together to solve a range of social and health issues that may impact community wellbeing and vulnerable people.”
I would endorse this as I work in the Community services sector and am passionate about Council doing their part to improve a range of social and health issues.
F2 “Promote greening and ensure the wellbeing of communities through the protection of local bushland, urban trees, tree canopies and expansion of the Coastal Open Space System (COSS).”
I Would endorse this, as a candidate in Budgewoi ward I believe that the expansion of the Coastal open space system into the old wyong shire area is necessary so to be across the entire Central Coast Council region.
K2 “Design and deliver pathways, walking trails and other pedestrian movement infrastructure to maximise access, inclusion and mobility to meet the needs of all community members”.
I endorse this as one of the attractions for residents living on the coast is access to our bushland and waterways, and I believe in expanding pathways for our communities.
Q2/ Which upcoming plans already in the pipeline do you support?
1/ Tuggerah Lakes Flood Study Review
2/ Leisure and Aquatic Strategy
3/ Youth Strategy
Q3/ Do you support keeping the 2021 ten year special rate variation (rate increase) beyond 2031?
Yes or no? NO
Q4/ How would you increase revenue
1/ DP-306 70 current places in Council owned childcare centres. Expansion of the number of Council owned and operated childcare centres, Increasing revenue whilst also bringing costs down to families.
Q5/ How would you reduce expenditure
1/ I would support an independent audit to be completed within the first six months of the new council to have an independent and current picture of Council’s financial Position.
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