Sarah Ryan
1/ financial experience
I’ve managed budgets and inventory control in a small business, giving me hands-on experience with financial management. While my experience may be limited, I’m eager to learn more and develop my skills further. I’m quick to pick up new concepts and ready to take on new challenges. If given the chance, I’m confident I can contribute effectively to the financial responsibilities of an elected councillor.
2/ work experience
My background as a veterinary nurse, paramedic, and registered nurse, along with experience in practice management, and people management, has equipped me with a well- rounded skill set. I’ve developed the ability to listen, make informed decisions, and manage teams effectively, always keeping the needs of both individuals and the broader community in mind. These experiences have prepared me to take on a role in NSW local government, where I can bring a practical, compassionate approach to addressing community concerns and ensuring that every voice is heard and valued.
3/ community activism or involvement
As an active member of the Animal Justice Party (AJP). I have led rallies and campaigns to ban shark nets on the Central Coast and throughout NSW, in an effort to protect marine life and aquatic ecosystems. Through the AJP I regularly organise clean-up days at Tuggerah Lake and other coastal areas, removing car loads of rubbish from the waterways and highlighting the need for better education and waste management. My activism is driven by a strong passion for animal welfare and environmental conservation.
4/ What current public causes/issues do you agree with?
Causes I DO support:
– No Wamberal Sea wall
– Protecting Kariong Sacred Lands
– Keeping Gosford bowling club for public use including Vision Australia
– ACF – more action on climate change
– UDIA – I recognise the need for more affordable housing options on the Central
Coast but if elected I aim to ensure that development and profit is not prioritised over
environmental protection.
Do NOT support:
– Warnervale Airport – This will undoubtedly cause further destruction to local habitat and wildlife with an increased risk of pollution to natural wetlands next to the Airport.
Additionally, increased flights over the area will undoubtedly affect the quality of life of locals, humans and wildlife, and negatively affect house prices for those who have invested in the area.
5/ Why should I vote for you?
I am passionately dedicated to preserving our region’s natural beauty and ensuring our council operates transparently and effectively. I will advocate for the protection of our oceans, native bushland, and the animals within these ecosystems. Supporting local groups that rescue and rehabilitate wildlife, marine life, and domestic animals is a priority, as is aiding those less fortunate in our community. With a strong focus on accountability, I will ensure council funds are spent wisely, oppose unnecessary spending and tax hikes, and always vote with integrity. I am committed to making the Entrance Ward safer, cleaner, and more sustainable.
Q1/ What’s important to you from the Operational plan’s vision and framework?
1/ I3 “Ensure land use planning and development is sustainable and environmentally sound and considers the importance of local habitat, green corridors, energy efficiency and stormwater management.”– Modify – Land planning needs to specifically address (in writing), the animals directly impacted by land clearance and development, and the number of animal lives affected
needs to be a consideration in decision making processes.
2/ A3 “Work together to solve a range of social and health issues that may impact community wellbeing and vulnerable people”.– Endorse – There are many vulnerable people on the Central Coast who would benefit immensely from council supported community programs, mental health support, drop in centres, safe places and refuges and I would love to be a part of the team that can help create a better life for them.
3/ E4 “ Incorporate renewable energy and energy efficiency in future design and planning, and ensure responsible use of water and other resources”.– Modify – I would love to see The Central Coast Council become more “green” and therefore wholly endorse that all future designs incorporate renewable energies, but I also believe we need to look at ways to transition pre-established facilities and industries towards sustainable renewable energy use while minimising use of all natural resources.
Q2/ Which upcoming plans already in the pipeline do you support?
1/ Conservation management plan
2/ Bike Plan and Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan
3/ Biodiversity DCP Chapter
Q3/ Do you support keeping the 2021 ten year special rate variation (rate increase) beyond 2031?
Q4/ How would you increase revenue –
(Use the operational plan to give three examples)
1/ DP048 – Enhance the visitor experience at The Entrance to improve the area’s overall livability, aiming to attract more permanent residents and create a thriving community that extends beyond just seasonal holidaymakers.
2/ DP071 – Consider developing a waste-to-energy plant to reduce energy consumption and associated costs, with the potential to generate revenue by selling surplus energy back to the grid.
3/ DP032 – I propose expanding council-supported festivals and events to include seasonal, family-friendly festivals that charge stallholders and stakeholders, thereby attracting more tourism and generating additional revenue. Furthermore, I would like to introduce a spectacular laser and drone show for New Year’s Eve, offering a modern alternative to traditional fireworks. This not only reduces the significant expenditure for the council but also mitigates the distress caused to native wildlife, domestic animals, and local residents with trauma or sensory sensitivities.
Q5/ How would you reduce expenditure
(Using the same operational plan for examples)
I have carefully reviewed the list and can identify several financial commitments that appear overpriced or potentially unnecessary. However, without having reviewed the individual applications, I don’t feel equipped to recommend specific expenditure reductions. What I would like to see is a commitment to ensuring that all future project quotes are thoroughly assessed to determine if they represent reasonable value, especially when compared with non-government-funded projects.
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