Lead candidate Margot Castles
1/ financial experience
Partner in running a successful profitable family business for over 20 years – Tumbi Indoor
Sports Board Member of a Not for Profit – currently Chair, previously Secretary with responsibility for understanding budget processes, reviewing profit and loss statements etc and signing off on financials and large grants.
Developing Grant budgets and making timely acquittals as required by funding bodies.
Everyday life financial experience always comes in handy!
2/ work experience
Community Services career of over 40 years on the Central Coast working for large and small charities and not for profits, including a period as a Community Development Worker with the old Wyong Council.-
– Small business operator experience
– TAFE teacher in Community Services
– Degree in Political Science and History
– TAFE qualifications – Community Services
3/ community activism or involvement
Long term community activist and involvement in our community– for example Yes for The Voice campaign, Family and Domestic Violence, campaigned against the infamous Work Choices of a previous Liberal Government. Campaigner in the Save Wyong Hospital campaign. Involved in the Labor Party as Branch Secretary, Tumbi Umbi Branch and amongst other commitments recently delegate to NSW State Conference, past Secretary of the Labor Party’s Central Coast Local Government Committee.
Currently volunteer : Governance Board Chair: Kamira Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Services Inc residential program supporting women and their children – , Central Coast Doggie Dates/Doggie Dates NSW – pet therapy volunteer, participant in social dog walks, Croquet Club – player, grant writer, We Care Connect, Wyong – children and families charity supporting families with necessities.
4/ What current public causes/issues do you agree with?
I am slowly making my way though these and am yet to make a final considered decision except in regards to SAVE OUR SANDS where our policy decision is a solid NO commitment to the Wamberal Wall.
5/ Why should I vote for you?
I am committed to my community here on the Central Coast where I have lived for over 40 years – firstly in Berkeley Vale, then heading south to Saratoga and MacMasters Beach and then to Long Jetty.
I genuinely want to serve our community in a new way and that way is by being elected as a Labor Councillor on 14 September. I bring deep understanding of our Central Coast, a commitment to real community consultation, high level skills in Governance and meeting procedures, an analytical mind and importantly I understand the struggles of those doing it tough in our community and will pull any levers available as a Councillor to make our Central Coast a place for everyone with THEIR Council beside them lending support.
Questions from the operational plan
Q1/ What’s important to you from the Operational plan’s vision and framework?
Choose three
1/ G2 “Engage and communicate openly and honestly with the community to build a relationship based on trust, transparency, respect and use community
participation and feedback to inform decision making” – this is crucial after 4 years of administration – rebuilding trust between council and community is so important.
2/ A3 “Work together to solve a range of social and health issues that may impact community wellbeing and vulnerable people” – we need to live in a place where everyone is valued and vulnerable people are included as valued members of our community – supports are essential.
3/ F2 “Promote greening and ensure the wellbeing of communities through the protection of local bushland, urban trees, tree canopies and expansion
of the Coastal Open Space System (COSS).” – we need to protect our beautiful environment and particularly extend COSS – more greening not less even more important with effects of climate change.
Q2/ Which upcoming plans already in the pipeline do you support or delete?
1/ Heritage Development Control Plan
2/ Youth Strategy
3/ Bike Plan and Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan
At this stage I would need to do some more research before deciding which if any I would consider deleting.
Q3/ Do you support keeping the 2021 ten year special rate variation (rate increase) beyond 2031?
Q4/ How would you increase revenue
(Use the operational plan to give three examples)
1/ DP-109 Visitor Information Centre – increase projected revenue – sales etc by 10% not 5%
2/ ID – 101253 Library Grants – apply for increase in grants through this or other sources bringing in more revenue
3/ iD 1000002 City Signage – mix of restricted funds and general funds – suggest remove general funds value from the amount of $350,000 / restricted would I assume need to be spent on this or something similar. May need to delay this project.
Q5/ How would you reduce expenditure
(Using the same operational plan for examples)
1/ ID00008 – Public Art Commission – $50,000 remove
2/ ID101106 – Change Room Renewals – reduce to $600,000 for this year
3/ ID 101100 – Gateway Signage – remove $20,000
Please note I will research all these options in more detail should I be elected – ie they are subject to change.
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