Wamberal Sea Wall was debated in State Parliament on Wednesday, September 13, after Greens MLC Abigail Boyd tabled a petition the day before.
The petition, instigated by Wamberal Beach SOS Save Our Sand, called on the NSW Government to prevent Central Coast Council proceeding with their joint seawall Development Application with land owners until a comprehensive State Government Environmental Impact Study was done, as well as other actions.
But the Environment Minister Penny Sharpe put forward an amendment in the Legislative Council on Wednesday afternoon and it had the numbers.
Her amendment watered down the intent of the original motion. (See more here: https://www.cccouncilwatch.com.au/wamberal-beach-petition-tabled/
The Labor motion urged Central Coast Council to work constructively with all residents to address community concerns.
It noted that when Council and the beach front land owners submit a development application for a seawall at Wamberal Beach, it will be subject to planning law processes with public consultation at the time.
Two Liberals spoke and said the Opposition would support the Government amendment.
See the video of proceedings on the Wamberal Beach SOS page: https://www.facebook.com/wamberalbeachsos/videos/1059122745247658/
Member for Wyong David Harris released a statement late on Wednesday.
“As Minister for the Central Coast, I acknowledge the diversity of views regarding the proposed sea wall at Wamberal,” Mr Harris said.
“I also acknowledge the advocacy of community groups on the issue, including the
Wamberal ‘Save our Sands’ group, led by local residents Mark and Corinne Lamont, whom I met with recently to hear their concerns.
“After 12 years of Liberal Governments, supported by local Member Adam Crouch, the future of Wamberal beach was left in limbo and the state budget in a shambles.
“We inherited the largest debt ever passed on from one government to the next – over $180 billion.
“The Government successfully amended a motion, in Parliament today, to urge Central Coast Council to work constructively with all residents, particularly around Terrigal Lagoon, to address community concerns.
“We will continue to have open dialogue with Central Coast Council and the community to ensure their concerns are addressed through any planning process,” he said.
Meanwhile, Wamberal Beach SOS are now raising funds to pay for legal advice and will hold an event from 2pm Saturday, September 30 at Breakers Club. Beach experts will be guest speakers. See more on the group’s facebook page.