Central Coast Sports Council is calling on Central Coast Council to refund money for electricity when sports clubs don’t use the lights at sporting grounds.
Currently, clubs pay for electricity and ground hire – even when they don’t use the grounds.
“Council knows when lights are turned on and turned off,” the sports council says.
“Council can calculate the cost of usage for each ground or sports field and Council can check the billing from the electricity provider.”
Last year’s winter season saw long periods of poor weather and grounds closed due to wet weather or for maintenance, resulting in competitions and training drastically reduced.
But clubs still had to pay.
“We are asking for the electricity component of the ground hire fee for training to be refunded when lights cannot be used for training,” the sports council says.
“Council is not being charged by their electricity supplier when the lights are not being used.’’
Council would still be receiving the ground component of the fees into the coffers even though the grounds would not have been used.
“So Council is already being paid for non-use,” the sports council says.
Council’s fees and charges – to take effect from July 1 – will be tabled at the June 27 council-under-administration meeting where Administrator Rik Hart will make the final decision.
Let him know what decision you think he should make: email him on theadministrator@centralcoast.nsw.gov.au
Share this post with relevant sporting bodies.
See previous post about council raising cost of children’s sport: https://www.cccouncilwatch.com.au/call-for-council-to…/