1/ financial experience
My financial experience is backed by my business that I’ve had for over 18 years. I have had to control costs, set budgets and work within budgets.
Forecast sales and make ongoing adjustments invest money when needed.Consistently focusing on the bottom line. Be innovative and make decisions that count.
2/ work experience
My work experience consists on working in large retail previously to then exploring the avenues of being my own business owner. Starting with one small Shop and three staff members to eventually having a factory and eight retail sites. One point in time over 45 staff. My abilities to work with suppliers negotiate prices, understanding financials and working with the correct professionals to ensure smooth business runnings. I’m fundamental in organisational skills.
3/ community activism or involvement
I have been ingrained in our community for over 18 years as a business owner. I have sponsored many sports clubs , supported many different charities , contributed back into the community through various different avenues.
4/ What current public causes/issues do you agree with?
I’m not prepared to support any groups without knowing and understanding them.
I believe in community contributions but I’m not going to be forced to make decisions I don’t agree with , also I won’t support a group that I don’t believe in .
5/ Why should I vote for you?
If elected I will be a true independent. I have no hidden agenda. I am not there for self gain nor for self entitlement. I will be there to make decisions on behalf of the community with a non-biased structure.
Efficiency within the council is my main objective, transparency and held accountable. Understanding that all council members need to get along to resolve the issues and move forward. I would use my organisational skills and priority in achieving results.
Q1/ What’s important to you from the Operational plan’s vision and framework?
Choose three
C2 – Revitalise Gosford City Centre, Gosford Waterfront and town centres as key destinations and attractors for businesses, local residents, visitors and tourists
Comment: This is something that should’ve been done properly 10 years ago.
G1-4 Build strong relationships and ensure our partners and community share the responsibilities and benefits of putting plans into practice.Engage and communicate openly and honestly with the community to build a relationship based on trust, transparency, respect and use community participation and feedback to inform decision making. Provide leadership that is transparent and
accountable, makes decisions in the best interest of the community, ensures Council is financially sustainable and adheres to a strong audit process.Serve the community by providing great customer experience, value for money and quality services.
Comment: Council has not been able to even remotely achieve this, it is one of the communities biggest disappointments over the past 12 years
K4 – Repair and maintain wharves, jetties, boat ramps and ocean baths to increase ease of access and enjoyment of natural waterways and foreshores.
Comment: This is another area where the Central Coast Council lacks considering we have an immense amount of water front areas in our community
Q2/ Which upcoming plans already in the pipeline do you support?
I would endorse
1 Public Toilets and Amenities.
These are facilities that are essential to community needs and should be kept in good working order and readily available.
2 Construction of the South cell wall Woy Woy waste management facility.
This is something that will need to be addressed correctly and implemented due to closing the Kincumber waste management facility. This puts more pressure and demand on the Woy Woy site.
3 Resourcing Strategy and Fees and Charges combined. (25/26)
Moving forward as a financially strong council we need to focus on this, as it will give the council a chance to keep our rate rises at a minimum. This is a main community concern with cost-of-living pressures .
1/ Heritage Development Plan
I believe this is something that can wait. A policy or a timeline that does not need to be pushed through unless the expense is very low.
2/ Woy Woy Foreshore – public swimming baths and accessibility upgrade
I would question the reason why, also a survey to the number of community members that would use this facility to warrant the money to be spent, considering it has already had an upgrade in Q1, why does it need a second stage?
3/ Construction of Eastern Platform Woy Woy Waste Management Facility.
We would’ve already put through a plan to facilitate the South cell wall. Was it necessary at this point in time?
Q3/ Do you support keeping the 2021 ten year special rate variation (rate increase) beyond 2031?
I answer No.
Q4/ How would you increase revenue
(Use the operational plan to give three examples)
1/ Change Room renewals across the board
with a budget of $3,440,000 would need to assess quotes and pressure on contractors to keep cost at a minimum.
ID works number range from 100043-101106
Above is a guideline strategic approach. I will take on all works being carried out throughout the Central Coast Council. A team to be appointed to control cost and expenditure with strict guidelines with a target of 10% reduction to be achieved.
2/ DA Approvals
To reduce the number of days DA are taking to increase the percentage to above 60% to help promote an increase in construction and building across the Central Coast. This will also increase revenue as a speedy process insures application fees and fees and charges are paid earlier and quicker..
3/ Implement a new online booking system for Council’s community facilities for hire (DP-631).
Investigation into how much this is going to cost ? Who are the software engineers that we are engaging and are they local? Is this an investment that the council can manage in the future to reduce ongoing costs.
Q5/ How would you reduce expenditure
(David combined this question with the one above)
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