Gosford waterfront revitalisation plans will be revamped after public feedback to council-under-administration.
“Council will shortly be modifying the original design drawings to reflect your feedback during the consultation phase,” council said today in a “stakeholder update”.
The feedback included:
1/ Reduce visual impacts from Gosford City and Industree Group Stadium to Brisbane Water where possible.
2/ Provide an alternative public ferry wharf location closer to the foreshore.
3/ Improve boat and ferry access to the marina and public boat ramp.
4/ Improve pedestrian access across the Central Coast Highway.
5/ Incorporate more green space within the waterfront development.
The screenshot shows the concept that went out on public exhibition.
“Once the design is altered to reflect your feedback, Council will progress to the next phase, which is a series of technical studies to inform development of a detailed waterfront masterplan,” Council said.
These include:
# environmental/ biodiversity studies
# geotechnical and hydrological studies
# flooding and coastal hazard analysis
# transport and pedestrian investigation
# full site survey
# investigation of infrastructure services
The update gives no time frame for the next steps but promises to keep stakeholders informed.
Council said there was strong support from the community and the business sector to ‘just get on with it’.
It had a confirmed commitment from the NSW Government in initial $8.5M funding.
“Council has committed some early funding to take the next step, however this is not a project Council will deliver,” Council said.
“Council is doing the early work, but the intention is to hand this project over to an experienced Government agency to take the lead as soon as practicable.
“As part of the next steps Council will be engaging with key NSW government stakeholders to support a whole of government approach to development of the waterfront masterplan and coordinated progress towards delivery,” Council said.
The plan which went on public exhibition last year can be seen here: https://www.yourvoiceourcoast.com/…/presentation…
Or more details on the whole project here: https://www.yourvoiceourcoast.com/gosfordwaterfront