March 22, 2022
Tonight’s council meeting, is set to re-classify the land on which Gosford Bowling Club sits.
Despite assurances last year that Council was not looking to reclassify the land; this report shows it is.
The Council has given up on reclassifying the stadium – because it would have to pay the State Government money to do so because of a Deed of Agreement when it was given the land.
The Deed requires Council to pay compensation to the State if Council modifies the Stadium community classification within a 99-year period after the Deed’s execution.
So the Council intends to simply modify the Plan of Management for the stadium.
But the report to the Administrator tonight asks for permission to go ahead with the reclassification plans for the bowling club.
Here is the wording:
“That Council commence the rezoning and reclassification process for Lot 2, DP1011876 which will allow greater Masterplan outcomes.
“That Council modify the Plan of Management for Lot 1 DP 1011876 to reflect the uses triggered by any Masterplan proposal.”
And here is the DP lots: (see screenshot).
Council wants to reclassify the land to an operational classification which will enable “greater opportunities” as defined in the Stadium Implementation Plan.
It received a petition signed by 948 people on the matter last year.
The petition said:
“Gosford City Bowling Club (Lot 2 DP 1011876), currently used by the members of Gosford City Bowling Club and All Ability Bowls and numerous others, should remain under its current zoning of community sportsground (RE1) and not be reclassified as operational.”
In tonight’s report, Council said:
“For the purposes of clarity, Council leases the premises contained on Lot 2 DP 1011876 to the Central Coast Leagues Club and the Gosford Bowling Club is provided access to this site by the Leagues Club.
“Rezoning and reclassifying Lot 2, DP1011876 provides greater flexibility for future integrated planning for the Central Coast Stadium and Gosford Waterfront and does not presuppose any future outcome for the Gosford Gosford Leagues Club (sic) and its occupant the Gosford Bowling Club,” Council said.