Item 1.4: Renewal of Lease – Gosford Bowling Club Premises
Council-under administration meeting, June 24, 2024
The administrator adopts a Minute giving Council permission to go ahead with giving Central Coast Leagues Club a full five year lease for the Gosford Bowling Club site at 18 Dane Dr, Gosford.
After that, Council expects to sell the land for a “higher use”.
But it says the five year lease will not be broken.
Earlier in the evening, two speakers addressed the public forum explaining how important the bowling club is and trying to get council to support it.
Later in the agenda the administrator is expected to go ahead and reclassify the land to make it easier to sell, see item 2.4
But for now, the Leagues Club will have another lease on behalf of Gosford City Bowling Club.
This is not new or unexpected; the CEO flagged this yonks ago, saying it would be the last lease.
The fight to save the bowling club began early in this current term of administration when the Council resurrected the Gosford Waterfront Revitalisation and earmarked the bowls club for sale for sale with one masterplan envisaging a high rise hotel on the site.
The waterfront revitalisation is also on tonight’s agenda: item 2.7 tells us that Council is no longer in control of that project. It has been handed over to the Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation.