A 23 room boarding house proposed for 14 York Street, Point Frederick, has gained approval from the Local Planning Panel despite a previous refusal.
The applicant sought a review of the previous decision and has come away with approval this time around.
The Panel noted changes had been made to the proposal that addressed previous grounds of refusal.
“While the proposal will result in some additional amenity impacts on neighbours (including overshadowing), this impact is not inconsistent with the level of impact to be expected from the applicable planning controls and largely arises from the existing relationship of sites and buildings, the panel said in its reasons for the decision.
“This includes some additional overshadowing to the east, again largely arising from orientation of units towards the subject site to be developed.
“In terms of acoustic impacts from the proposed breezeway, the Panel was not of a view that these impacts would be of such significance to warrant refusal of the application, noting the design and nature of the space.”
A list of conditions includes that CCTV cameras shall only be placed in external areas and the car park, to appropriately balance security issues with reasonable privacy.
“Further, the positioning and angling of CCTV cameras shall ensure privacy of adjoining properties,” the condition states.
Also the Plan of Management “shall not be varied without the prior written approval of Council”, stated another condition of approval.